This event is a special occasion in the OR calendar supporting, encouraging and providing knowledge exchange within the operational research community. The event welcomes all OR professionals whilst particularly encouraging new members of the community to support them in growing their career and goals from both academia and practitioner backgrounds.

19 June 2024

British Psychological Society, London

This conference aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas, foster collaboration, and showcase the innovative work being conducted by emerging talents in the field.

We will soon be welcoming abstract submissions for oral presentations and poster presentations. we will be considering abstracts based on original research, case studies, or innovative applications of operational research methodologies.

Conference Themes:

  • Optimisation and Decision Analysis
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Operations
  • Sustainable Operations
  • Simulation and Modeling
  • OR for Strategic Decision Making and Policy Making
  • Logistics and Transportation
  • Healthcare Operations
  • Financial Operations

Keynote Speakers

Jon Chadwick, Chief Operating Officer for Capgemini Invent UK

Jon is the Chief Operating Officer for Capgemini Invent UK, a global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation.  Jon started with Capgemini after completing a Masters degree in operational research at the University of Warwick. He joined a vibrant operational research team that still exists today, albeit the team has moved to work much more in analytics and artificial intelligence.  Jon’s career has spanned working in most sectors and many countries, most recently working with the UK Public Sector in justice, education and tax. Along the way, Jon trained as an executive coach and it is the combination of the people skills and analytical skills that he uses most in his current role as COO.

Talk Title: Keeping it simple: a career with OR

An informative canter through Jon’s career starting with his entry into OR, then developing core OR principles (problem solving, looking for the heart of the problem, looking for the simple rather than the complex, keeping things evidence based, and always retaining a curious mind) whilst building in new elements such as people skills, which bring Jon to his current role that combines analytical and the personal into a COO. All with a smattering of what he thinks matters most.

Professor Rouba Ibrahim, School of Management of University College London

I am a professor at the School of Management of University College London, where I currently head the Operations & Technology group. I serve on the editorial boards of Management Science and Queueing Systems as an associate editor, and I serve as an Area Editor of the Operations and Supply Chain area at Operations Research. I am the current Service Management Special Interest Group Chair for the MSOM Society.

My research interests lie in service operations management. I am especially interested in the operational management of queueing systems, from both mathematical and behavioural perspectives. To do so, I use a mix of analytical and numerical tools, such as the theoretical analysis of stochastic process models and the empirical analysis of data from behavioural experiments.

I hold a PhD degree in Operations Research from Columbia University, an MSc in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from Stony Brook University, and a BSc in Mathematics from the American University of Beirut.