Simulation OR

The Simulation Special Interest Group (SIG) provides a forum for academics, practitioners and software vendors to discuss the most recent advances in simulation theory and methodologies, to exchange ideas on simulation practice, to promote collaboration among its members, and to engage in impact-related activities.

Since 2002, the group has been running a bi-annual OR Society conference on simulation called the Simulation Workshop. Members of the group also contribute to the Journal of Simulation (ORS journal) in senior editorial roles.

The group organises a number of meetings and one-day workshops on cutting-edge simulation research and topics of relevance to SIG members.

For example, in the summer of 2018, the group facilitated the Simulation SIG Road Trip with Professor Paul Fishwick, which included meetings in seven UK cities.

The group encourages those who are interested in attending or organising future meetings and workshops to join the mailing list to get the conversation going.

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Committee Details

Masoud Fakhimi
Anastasia Anagnostou
Sion Cave
Committee Member
Lampros Stergioulas
Committee Member 
Simon Taylor
Committee Member 

Simulation Workshop 2023

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