People Analytics

People analytics is a rapidly growing discipline of interest to businesses. With access to more data and new visualisation and analytical tools a wide range of companies are beginning to apply mathematical, statistical, data mining and other OR techniques to HR and business data to try and understand and resolve HR-related business problems, such as:

  • Workforce modelling
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • People surveys
  • Talent management
  • Paybill modelling
  • Performance management
  • Estates modelling
  • Workplace Analytics
  • Wellbeing

The aim of this group is to share knowledge and best practise, and to promote more widely the use of OR techniques in the area of HR decision making. Alongside this, the group provides a forum for members to explore new thinking and techniques applicable to HR, as well as some of the challenges faced in using HR data and working with HR professionals.

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Committee Details

Adrian Jonas
Maureen Usiagwu
Ho Law
Committee Member
Nishant Agrawal 
Committee Member 

Applications of People Analytics in Smaller Organisations

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