OR in the Third Sector

The third sector is usually defined by what it is not! It comprises of organisations that are neither part of government (widely defines) nor of the commercial, for-profit sector.

As such its decisions cannot so easily be judged against the criteria of either political ideology or profit. Moreover, it has a wide range of organisational forms, including charities, community groups, voluntary societies, each with their own governance arrangements.

It therefore presents unique challenges and opportunities for the operational researcher.

OR in the Third Sector (ORiTS) is open to anyone with an interest in the subject. It aims to help analysts working in, or with an interest in, third sector organisations to do a better job, ORiTS comprises analysts from both OR and other related disciplines that use similar tools, techniques and approaches.

It meets periodically, usually with speakers with specialist knowledge of the sector. Those meetings also provide an opportunity to network with others, to exchange experiences and offer mutual support.

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Committee Details

Malcolm Fenby
Ruth Kaufman Committee Member
Paul Randall Committee Member
Miles Weaver Committee Member 

OR in The Third Sector- Fraud; What do Operational Researchers and Analysts Need to Know?

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