OR and Strategy

Strategic development is fundamentally concerned with organisational development over the longer term, moving an organisation in the direction of a desirable goal or objective.

Thus deciding where you want to go, examining what may lie ahead, choosing between options, setting targets, planning how to move in the direction you want to and checking progress along the way are all important components of any process designed to support strategic development.

Strategic decisions, such as launching a new product or choosing between sites for a new building programme are characterised by their difficulty to reverse since they often have enduring consequences.

Helping managers to understand the nature of the issues they face and to have confidence that decisions made have been supported by appropriate analysis of knowledge, information and data, are some of the contributions that OR can make to strategic development.

The aims of the group are to provide a forum which promotes a discussion of the contribution that OR makes to strategic issues in organisations and increases awareness of the potential for OR methods to support strategic development and strategic level analysis.

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Committee Details

Frances O'Brien
Martin Kunc

Supporting Strategy- Frameworks, Methods and Models

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