
The aim of the group is directed towards the practical and theoretical development of defence-related OR and the promotion of a wider knowledge and appreciation of defence-related OR.

The group also seeks to encourage interaction between defence-related and non-defence-related OR.

The group provides a ‘home’ for all those involved in defence-related OR: customers and suppliers, practitioners and academics should be involved both as talkers and listeners.

Meetings are held to consider both techniques, and wider discussion of the role of OR in defence.

The group holds meetings two or three times a year, including the four-day International Symposium on Military Operational research (ISMOR).

Other meetings are generally a half day, with a couple of papers providing different views of a challenge or approach, with plenty of time for discussion and networking.

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in applying OR methods to defence. Activities are steered by a small committee and volunteers are always welcome.

International Symposium on Military Operational Research (ISMOR)

ISMOR is an annual international symposium sponsored by the UK Ministry of Defence. It provides an opportunity for professionals and academics to explore and discuss analysis on practical issues facing defence and security, with a wide range of colleagues from across the world. ISMOR offers a development opportunity for early career analysts, and is an inclusive event that invites participation from a diverse range of people. Attendees will participate in:

  • Presentations
  • Interactive workshops, seminars and panel sessions
  • Networking with defence professionals and experts from across the globe.

The previous ISMOR programme proceedings can be found at Earlier conferences and presentations can be found in the ISMOR achives at

We look forward to welcoming you next year to ISMOR 42.

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Committee Details

Name Role
Carly Porrett
Ed Aubrey
Acting Secretary

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