Decision Analysis

The Decision Analysis SIG (DASIG) is a network of managers, consultants and academics interested in and committed to the application, dissemination and better understanding of decision analysis.

The group define and understand decision analysis as a set of sound approaches to structuring and analysing decisions under uncertainty and conflicting objectives.

Their primary aim is to provide a forum where members can discuss new developments in the discipline, expand their understanding and share experiences of implementing decision analysis.

The group strives to be inclusive and attract cross-sectoral representation from central and local government, private industry and the voluntary sector.

Past events have covered a range of topics including ‘good practice in decision making’, ‘structuring decisions’, and ‘optimisation for informed decision making’ as well as application areas such as the energy sector and the public sector.

Please contact Dr Nadia Papamichail using the form if you are interested in organising a workshop or event.

Join us for our next event:

Dates to be confirmed soon.

Want to join this SIG? Let us know

Please specify which network(s) or SIG(s) you would like to join,
or if you have a question for us.

Committee Details

Name Role
Nadia Papamichail
Peter Miles

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