Analytics Network North East (ANNE)

Analyst Network North East (ANNE) is a network where analysts from the academic, public & private sector can connect & exchange ideas on analysis (quantitative and qualitative).

Our network is for anyone with an interest in quantitative & qualitative analysis happening in North East England. Members include: Business and Financial Analysts, Statisticians, Data Scientists, Modelling Analysts, Economists, STEM students, Operational and Social Researchers.

ANNE Events

We hold three events each year, held at locations in the North East of England. Events are free to attend and a CPD opportunity. 

ANNE Mentoring

We facilitate the matching of people who want to learn from each other through our mentoring scheme.

ANNE Education

Through our outreach work, we promote the study of STEM subjects to encourage people to pursue STEM careers.

We are the North Eastern Regional Group of the OR Society. In addition to the OR Society, we are sponsored by the NAO, Newcastle University, Durham University Business School, the DWP and the VOA.

Committee Details

Name Role
Matthew Forshaw
Elliott White
Mike Hogan
Heather Thompson
Committee Member
Libbie Read
Committee Member

Want to join this network? Let us know

Please specify which network(s) or SIG(s) you would like to join,
or if you have a question for us.

Future Events:

Dates coming soon.

Past Events 

ANNE Spring Conference: Wednesday 27th March 2024 12:30-17:00

Venue: Ted Theatre, The Catalyst, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, NE4 5TG

The Analyst Network North East Spring Conference was held this year at the Ted Theatre in the Catalyst, home to the National Innovation Centre for Data.

The event welcomed specialists from across the North East, that are actively participating in the fields of data analysis and data science. The speakers shared professional experiences, presenting interesting projects on which they work and describe how their organisations get valuable insights leveraging the power of data using data analytics tools.

ANNE Spring Conference Agenda:

12:30 – 13:00: Conference Registration

13:00 – 13:10: Welcome & Introductions – John Moss, Graduate Analyst, CQC

13:10 – 13:50: ANNEcdotes Live – A career discussion with Marie Conlon, Lead Analyst, DWP

Hosted by Elliott White, ANNE deputy chair

13:50 – 14:40: Unconference session 1 [Running simultaneously]

  • Technical Masterclass, Introduction to web-scraping using rvest and Posit Cloud – Hannah Kreczak, Senior Analyst, National Audit Office
  • Group Discussion, How can you build your analysis portfolio and network?
  • Speed networking – Connect with analysts in the region

14:40 – 15:20: Tea & Coffee break

15:20 – 16:10 Unconference session 2 [Running simultaneously]: the same technical masterclass and group activities as detailed in unconference session 1

16:10 – 16:50 The National Competency Framework for Data Professionals - Andrew Lavelle, Senior Manager Analytical Professionalisation, NHS England.

16:50 – 17:00 Closing Remarks – Laura Parkhurst, Statistician, DWP

17:00 – Social Tilleys Bar, 105 Westgate Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4AG