New to OR Network

Operational Research in the UK is widespread, flourishing and influential; and people with OR skills are in demand as never before. The Early Careers Network was set up to nurture OR research, connect professionals and support this growing field of OR.

Renamed in 2021 the New to OR Network is a friendly and accessible environment for anyone who:

  • is in the early stages of their career in industry or academia
  • feels they would benefit from networking within their peer group
  • wants to form connections with others who are further ahead in their career

The network aims to provide for both practitioners and academics in Operational Research and its related fields, as well as for those who are returning to work or study following a career break, or those changing career path. The network is aims to further the personal and professional development of those in the early stages of their career, through:

  • peer-to-peer support
  • discussion of research ideas, developments, innovations, opportunities and issues
  • networking
  • facilitating knowledge transfer and support for career and professional development
  • opportunities for presenting your work to peers in a supportive environment
  • signposting relevant events and conferences
  • learning about how OR techniques are being used in a wide range of applications and disciplines
  • providing help and advice when applying for research grants and/or jobs

Join us for our next event:

Dates to be confirmed soon.

Want to join this network? Let us know

Please specify which network(s) or SIG(s) you would like to join,
or if you have a question for us.

Tell us what you need

The network actively encourages suggestions on the types of events and resources you, as an early career professional, would like to be offered so that the OR Society can work to provide this. Please get in touch via the email address below.

It is the society’s hope that New to OR Network will be productive, inviting and supportive for all early career professionals, both academic and practitioner alike.

Thought About Joining?

If you aren't already member and would like to have access to a whole range of benefits, why not join today?