Independent Consultants Network

Do you consider yourself to be an independent consultant working in operational research or related areas (e.g. research, analytics, training, systems thinking); are you thinking that you may want to become an independent consultant and share in the experiences of others, are you interested in supporting and being supported by other independent consultants? If so, then this may be the network for you.

The OR Society is looking to create a network of independent consultants to:

  • Share ideas and useful information
  • Share opportunities
  • Provide mutual support
  • Encourage collaboration
  • Support the development of a healthy UK independent consultancy community

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Want to join this network? Let us know

Please specify which network(s) or SIG(s) you would like to join,
or if you have a question for us.

Committee Details

Name Role
John Medhurst
Daniel Tilley
Philip Sibeth
Committee Member
Marie Oldfield
Committee Member 
Navonil Mustafee
Committee Member 

ICN Roundtable - Analytical Modelling

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