The OR Society

The Operational Research Society is the home of the operational research and analytics community.

We are a member-led organisation supporting professional operational researchers across industries and academia. We promote the understanding and use of operational research in all areas of life, including industry, business, government, health and education. The society is a registered charity which does everything from helping OR specialists push the boundaries of the discipline through publications and events to undertaking outreach work aimed at helping everyone from business leaders to schoolchildren find out about the benefits of OR.

Our activities are listed in full in the About & Resources area, with this space detailing our committee structure, organisational history and current personnel. The society truly is led by our members - so if you join and help direct what we do for the profession, please get in touch!

Committee Structure

The society’s governance and programme delivery is led by two elected groups: general council (up to 36 OR Society members directly elected by the membership) and board (up to 11 OR Society members, with society officers directly elected by the membership and the remainder elected from general council by general council members). 

To view our current trustees please click here


Everything the society does is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association (its constitution), which cover such things as its purpose, its powers, membership rules and voting arrangements.




Annual Reports & Accounts

The society reports are below.

Annual report and accounts for 2023  Annual report and accounts for 2022

Annual report and accounts for 2021  Annual report and accounts for 2020

Annual report and accounts for 2019

Business Plan

The latest OR Society business plan is found below.

Business Plan 2024