Related Organisations

EURO–Association of European OR Societies

The Association of European Operational Research Societies' (EURO) aim is to promote operational research throughout Europe. Euro run conferences, publish journals, give prizes and awards, and run various working groups.

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HORAF – the Heads of OR and Analytics Forum

The Heads of OR and Analytics Forum (HORAF) provides a focus for the interests and concerns of heads and senior leaders of OR, analytics and data science practice groups from across the UK economy. Find out how to join

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IFORS – International Federation of Operational Research Societies

The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) is an umbrella organisation set up in 1959 to represent approximately 50 societies and kindred societies. In all, it represents some 30,000 individual members.

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Joint Mathematical Council

The OR Society is a participating society on the Joint Mathematical Council (JMC) of the United Kingdom. The JMC serves as a forum for discussion between its member bodies and for making representations to government and other bodies.

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Science Council

The Science Council promotes awareness of the contribution of professional scientists to science and society. The council advances science education and promotes increased understanding of the benefits of science.

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COPIOR – The Committee of Professors of Operational Research

The Committee of Professors of Operational Research (COPIOR) is open to all professors working in OR at an UK university and provides academic leadership in the discipline. COPIOR represents the views of the discipline to universities funding bodies.

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Council for Mathematical Sciences

The OR Society is a member of The Council for the Mathematical Sciences (CMS). The CMS provides an authoritative and objective body that exists to develop, influence and respond to UK policy issues that affect the mathematical sciences.

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